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MATCHi TV - New login with MATCHi account

  • Updated

One MATCHi account!


From now on you’ll need to Log in to MATCHi TV using a MATCHi account.


How does it work?

  1. Log in to your MATCHi account or create a new one.
    Need help? Follow the steps in: How to create a new MATCHi account?
  2. Are you missing content after you logged in?
    Follow the steps in: How do I get my old content?
  3. Did you get any errors or issues during the process?
    Contact us at: support@matchi.tv
  4. You should be good to go!


Do you already see your old content on your new account?

If you had the same email on your MATCHi account as your old MATCHi TV account all content should already be in your new MATCHi account. 


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